Financial people can also be innovative!

Among the beliefs around innovation, there is that innovation is reserved for certain professions: R&D, marketing… but today innovation is becoming a skill to be integrated into all professions. And if we ask ourselves the question of…

Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world

I am pleased to announce the release of my 1st book "Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world", published by @Editions l'Harmattan and available now in bookstores (Fnac, Cultura , Decitre…) in paper and…

Innovation, school of resilience.

In the series dedicated to what makes “innovators happier” (*), I propose now the attitude of resilience. Defined in psychology as "a trauma to be overcome", it is also a philosophy of life that Confucius praises: "No stone can be polished…

Startups, the young people Eldorado

In the series dedicated to what makes “innovators happier”, I propose today the case of startups. More than a third of young graduates dream of working in a startup according to a study by Job Teaser. Great success stories like Doctolib,…

Why are innovators happy?

People should pursue what they are passionate about. That would make them happy more than anything else." This advice is that of Elon Musk, echoing Steve Jobs' definition of innovation "a passion that burns in you". Innovation enthusiasts experience…

Innovation, an essential skill for the Leader in the world of "living with"

Innovation, an essential skill for the Leader in the world of "living with" 2021 Innovation Blossom survey "Innovation and leader of tomorrow" Feedback from 100 players in the world of innovation . From one confinement to another, the idea…

In the age of responsible innovation, the accountability partner coach.

In a previous post, I presented the rise of responsible innovation and more generally of the sense of responsibility since the arrival of the virus. Social distancing, barrier gestures, it is called upon to the responsibility of each one as…

Innovation, at the service of the "Raison d’être".

In my previous article I presented how the Covid 19 pandemic had accelerated the responsible innovation movement. Behind this search for meaning by all citizens looms the need for meaning in business. According to an Ifop study, 95% of French…