Connaissez-vous le métier de socio-esthéticienne?
InnovationL'idée de la dignité par la beauté avec leCODES (Cours d'esthétique à option humanitaire et sociale) de Tours , les esthéticiennes peuvent devenir socio-esthéticiennes c'est-à-dire apprennent à appliquer crémes et vernis…
Innovation Leaders : how stimulate steer and sustain Innovation
Développement RHIn his book "Innovation Leaders" Jean-Philippe Deschamps reveal his experience of 40 years in innovation management as practitioner and international consultant.
The book is built around a main idea:the belief that innovation requires a specific form of leadership ,distinct from other mainstream types of leadership.this conviction ,rooted in years of empirical research with companies at different stages of their innovation learning curve ,is expanded and supported in three ways.